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11th October 2017 - 1s vs Newcastle

After a long coach journey up, UoMWLC 1s finally arrived in Newcastle. We hada strong start, with a fast break straight off the draw from Liv Wimpenny making it 1-0 to the girls in purple. Having bossed the majority of the first half, despite an injury and write off for fresher Melissa Farquhar, we held a strong position at half time. The domination did falter however going into the first half, where we lost the transitionin in midfield. Nevertheless, this did not last long following a time out an a good talking to, leaving the final score at 13-8 to who? To Manchetser of course. MVP was our Goalie Annie Ferris. 

(Honor Grant)

11th October 2017 - 2s vs MMU

On Wednesday 11th of October the 2s made the long 15 minute trek to play MMU on their home turf. The weather started out okay but as the match went on the rain grew worse. The girls fought hard through wind and rain but were unfortunately forced to end the match early (due to some very disrespectful rainfall) with a final score of 12-4 to MMU. The score didn't represent the level of play in the slightest and the rematch at the Armitage later in the season is certainly one to watch! 

Diarra Franks 

18th October - 1s vs Liverpool 



18th October - 2s vs Bangor

Despite playing a man down and having no subs the whole team played extremely well with great team spirit even with the challenge of having no subs. The overall score was 5-5 which reflected a very even game and the hard work of both the teams. The MVP was Eve Harper. 

Rachel Davies


25th October - 1s vs Durham 2s 

Knowing that this was the toughest match of the year, Manchester were pumped from the first draw and were up 1-0 within the first minute. Durham were [predictably speedy, however their attack was held at bay by the sturdy Manchester defence for long periods of time. The game was even until a slight dip in intensity from Manchester which allowed us to concede 4 goals at the end of the first half leaving the score at 6-2. 

The second half saw both teams work incredibly hard as possession flew back and forth. In the end, the deficit proved unsummountable and the the final score was 9-5 to Durham (making the second half a 3-3 draw).  

Man of the Match Hannah Ellies for tireless work in the midfield. 

25th October - 2s vs Keele 

After a late start, the 2s arrived at Keele ready and raring to go. We were drawing for most of the match but 3 opportunistic goals from Keele in the last 10 minutes meant that Manchester were pipped at the post. Despite this, it was a great game, so good that players from the other team complimented us on such a good game. 

Man of the match was awarded to Rosie Griffin for an aamzing play both before and after a hit to the head.

Leexi Thawley

1st November  - 1s vs Leeds Beckett

The game got off to a rough start with us scoring an own goal in the first 5 minutes, but Liv quickly brought it back by scoring 2 amazing goals. Annie did some great saves after the opposition fought back, making the score at half time 9-5 to Manchester.. In the second half Manchester's defence worked really well together, with amazing intercepts from Georgia and Gabby. Having played nearly the entire match without subs, the team were very to relieved to see Jenny Hobbis in a last minute arrival, leaving the final score at 18-8. Man of the Match was Gabby Tasker for scoring 5 amazing goals. 

An amazing performance by all of the girls who played, overcoming ht elack of numbers with great determination. 

Lattie Bromovsky


1st November - 2s vs Chester 

On the 1st of Novemeber, Chester were in for a bigger fright than the night before, 

As Manchester sporting their purple colours ere ready for a war, 

We gathered a mixed team of students from seconds and beginners and Timperley, 

A solid sixty minutes later we all finished feeling like a winner, 

With 13 goals thnks tour our 2 Beccas , Eve and Amelia, 

Shoutout to our new goalie and MVP, Ada Waters is her name, 

But not congrats for holding the stick the wrong so therefore dick of the day, 

We've welcomed our first win but must also say a sad goodbye, 

At least our time with our dog mascot, Amber, ended on a high. 


Final score 13-8, well done team.


Ada Waters

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